Your own Personal AI (Manifesto)

The Situation

We are constantly interacting with AI in our daily life. AI-powered algorithms are already generating our media feed, develop personalized recommendations and decide whether to grant a loan. But what does that means technically?

The synergy between digital interfaces and algorithms makes possible direct and continuous interaction with each individual.

Social relations are expanding through a new dimension by introducing Human-to-AI interaction (H2AI), and it is an established fact.

When algorithms interact with people, they always have an ultimate goal, and H2AI is the way to achieve it.

End-users often do not even realize that they are 'in a game' with an algorithm and are unaware of the game rules and objectives.

Compared to AI, people have a significantly lower computing speed, data processing, and decision-making, which means they cannot compete with digital algorithms at the tactical level.

We have a situation when AI's can manipulate humans through H2AI and program their actions. Such a technique can be an obvious and real danger to humans' decision-making and poses a threat to human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Challenge

There is no doubt that digital algorithms impact significantly and positively on many aspects of our lives and improve our standards of living.

H2AI is an essential factor in enhancing digital algorithms.

The social challenge is to find the most appropriate form of H2AI, which will benefit personal and social needs without threatening the human ability of self-determination. This form of H2AI as such is a primary principle of digital ethics.

We need to establish trust between human and AI, and the most appropriate solution is to make AI fully controlled by the end-user. In other words, individuals should be given their own personal AI that represents their interests in digital space.

That can transform the interaction between an individual and AI into an acceptable form of relationships.

The Declaration

We call for a consensus between society, governments, technology companies, and individuals to build a fair, responsible, and ethical H2AI.

We propose a fully trusted Personal AI trained and tuned by a particular human that serves exclusively for their good.

We urge Personal AI to mediate H2AI interaction and take over AI2AI communication.

We support the open source model as the only possible way to develop and distribute digital algorithms for Personal AI.

We consider that Personal AI runtime should provide top security to prevent unauthorized access and rely on decentralized cryptographic network architecture.

We recognize the importance of data as the primary source for machine learning and understand the Personal AI environment as an end-to-end data platform.

We believe that Personal AI is the most rational way of expanding the human essence into digital space.

Sign the Manifesto

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